P: 540-710-6006
F: 540-710-6001
Suzanne Richman M.D.
Breast Feeding?
Kidschoice Pediatrics is a Breastfeeding Friendly Practice. Our staff are all trained to support and answer questions about breast feeding.
The American Academy of Pediatrics supports breastfeeding for at least one year and continuing as long as both mother and baby desire. Babies benefit greatly from receiving a diet of only breastmilk for the first 6 months of life before beginning solid foods. Breastfeeding is good for moms and dads too. It helps with bonding, mom’s weight loss, speeds recovery from pregnancy and delivery, and saves money.
in 3 Days!
1st - 24hrs
Encourage the baby to have at least 6 feedings (some of which may be attempts) and look at least 1 urine and 1 stool
2nd - 24hrs
encourage the baby to have at least 6 feedings and look for at least 2 urines and more stool.
3rd - 24hrs
look for your baby to have 8 t 12 feedings with at least 3 wet diapers. Encourage more frequent daytime feedings and expect baby to wake you at night for 2 to 3 feedings.
The number of wet diapers continues to increase to 6 or more per day by the 6th day of life. This number will remain fairly constant after the first week.
Several yellow seedy stools are passed daily by the end of the first week. The number of stools per day may decrease after several weeks or months.
Your baby loses less than 10% of birth weight in the first 3 to 4 days AND baby regains back birth weight (or more) by 2 weeks of age.
Baby of continues to gain at the rate 4-8 ounces per week or as much as an ounce a day for the few months!
Stay well hydrated! Drink something each time you breastfeed or pump.
Eat healthy foods with a lot of variety, including plenty of protein rich foods such as yogurt, eggs, and meats. Spicy foods, gas-forming vegetables, and even small amounts of caffeine will not harm your milk or your baby.
Continue taking your prenatal vitamin each day and discuss medication options with your prescribing provider and your lactation consultant.
Exercising while breastfeeding has numerous benefits including weight loss, stress release, and keeping your body in shape. For healthy breastfeeding women, it’s both safe and beneficial to exercise. Those who exercise have greater cardiovascular fitness, more serotonin to prevent and relieve depression, as well as extra energy to care for themselves and others.
When you see and hear behaviors that signal readiness to feed. Fussiness and hand to mouth motions may signal hunger, but also may be a way of asking to be held, changed, or an expression of being over-stimulated or overtired.
In the early weeks and months, expect feeding lengths to vary from 10 to 40 minutes per side! Breastfeed your way through growth spurts as your supply increases. Offer both breasts at a feeding, but baby may only feed one side.
One & a half hours to three hours during the day and a little less frequently at night. Most mothers are able to produce enough milk and do NOT need to supplement with formula.
Be sure the baby is turned towards mom and opens the mouth side taking in more than just the nipple.
Call if you are having trouble with
Sore nipples that are not getting better. The number one cause of sore nipples is a problem with latch. Initial latch-on tenderness is common during the first week. It is NOT normal to have nipples that are cracked, bleeding, stinging, or painful throughout a feeding or in-between feedings.
Engorgement that is severe or lasts longer than 24 hours. Breast fullness may occur between day 3 and 5. Continue feeding the baby frequently and if needed, pump or hand express to relieve fullness. Apply cold compresses afterwards to reduce swelling.
A plugged duct or a tender sore lump in the breast. Treatments include gentle massage above the affected area towards the nipple, warm compresses, and frequent feedings.
Mastitis, a breast infection that causes a red and swollen area on the breast, flu-like symptoms, and/or fever greater than or equal to 100.5 degrees. Rest, drink plenty of fluids, and keep breastfeeding your baby! Call your healthcare provider and make appointment as most of the time an antibiotic will be prescribed.
Call us at KidsChoice Pediatrics if your baby’s skin appears yellow, is not waking for feedings, or is having fewer wet and solid diapers.
Get questions answered over the phone at the Lactation Center at MWH by calling (540)741-4465. Listen to the prompts to be connected to a Health Link nurse after 5 p.m.
Mary Washington Hospital Virtual Moms & Babies Group, every Wednesday from 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Visit with other moms and ask questions of our lactation consultants about breastfeeding, growth and development, and learn about other baby care topics.
Send us a message on Facebook (MaryWashingtonHealthcare) or Instagram (mwhcconnection) or contact Health Link at 540.741.1404 to get the link to the virtual event.
​La Leche League groups meet monthly in nearly every city and town.
Internet Resources:
Community Resources for Breastfeeding Mothers
​​Lactation Department at Mary Washington Hospital
available for telephone consults or outpatient consults and appointments 540-741-4465
Mom and Babies Group
meets every Wednesday 10am-11:30am at
Carl D. Silver/Moss Clinic, 1301 Sam Perry Blvd, Fredericksburg VA.
R.N./Lactation specialist facilitates group.
No Cost, registration or appointment needed.
Babies and children are welcome and a baby scale is available.
Le Leche League/lllusa.org
To find your local Le Leche League Group log on to www.lllusa.org and enter your Zip Code
To rent a hospital grade breast pump, you may contact any of the following rental stations:
Medical Arts Pharmacy at the Tompkins Martin Medical Plaza**
Mother’s Best by Caroline Conneen*
*Certified lactation consultants also available for nursing bra fittings.
**owned by Mary Washington Healthcare
If you are a military family or civilian working at MCB Quantico, please call 703-784-4248 or visit online: www.quantico.usmc-mccs.org
Breastfeeding Supplies:
Baby Depot
Mother’s Best